Monday, May 19, 2014

Baby Blues

May 15 (Day 35)

So Cameron has no sense of night and day...and my body is starting to show signs of that! I'm exhausted!

People always say "sleep when he sleeps!" But it's easier said than done. I'm already back to work
And it's getting challenging.

We are in our 6th week and counting! He's getting a bigger and more alert. We started Tummy time workouts on the play may and he is moving and turning his head like a pro. Final weight this week is 7lbs 14 ounces and we grew to 21.5 inches!!

We have a closet full of clothes but are still wearing new born sizes. I think this boy has a high metabolism....just like his daddy! Well mom is ready to ditch all the baby blue clothes and get some color in this babies life! Until then we will continue to live in multi color onesies.

Still sleepy

Thank god for swaddling

Check up time!

May 19 (Day 39)

It's official I've had my 6th week postpartum check up and I'm good to go! Back on birth control and given the clearance to have whoopi!! I think most husbands are thrilled for this visit and the moms are like...thanks but no thanks...

Last week I was walking around with a breast pad stuck to my bottom...some days I forget to brush my teeth until hair is a mess. My breast feel and look like unripe body isn't quite Victoria secret me when I say that's the last thing on my mind! Sorry daddy!!

Hopefully with time this will change but for now I pray for understanding.

I am however thrilled to get the go ahead to mildly workout! I think this will boost my drive and help me jump start the journey to a hotter post baby body!

Still sleepy

Cameron at 6 weeks old

Keep on Trucking

May 17 (Day 37)

Time is swiftly Cameron is growing and my belly is slowly but surely shrinking. Getting the itch to work out but with a C-section one must be extremely careful not to rush things! So 6 pack can wait for later...

Good news is that my milk is back and I'm getting my back up supply replenished. That Fenugreek worked wonders and so did the mothers milk tea! I've weaned myself off the tea and my dose of fenugreek and started pumping every 2 hours.

Helpful hint of the day:
Mothers....pump while you feed!! It's a struggle and can get a bit messy..but it will get you some much needed milk supply for later!

Pumping like crazy

Playing footsie piano after tummy time

Pump Day

May 16 (Day 36)

Just last Friday I declared it to be Pump day!!... Well although I'm back on track with my milk supply for feedings there's no extra to spare for pumping. My water, fenugreek And mothers milk tea regiment are working.. and some moms have suggested adding oatmeal and spinach to boost more! Thanks for the sharing and I shall see if that helps!

As for sleeping, we are a still up at 3am fussing but I need to sleep when baby sleeps ....easier said than done for a working mom. Thankful for being an entrepreneur and not having traditional job because I would be NO good . I'm Still exhausted and heading into my 5th week...nobody said this would be easy.

This week Cameron has the dreaded "baby acne" but somehow still appears to be stunningly Is that? LOL I guess he's truly a Baby by Design.

He's more alert with eyes open more for play time. We are doing our tummy time exercises and loving watching "Sesame Street" and "The Cat In the Hat knows best" on PBS!

Happy Friday ...Happy Smile day

Slow down!

May 14 (Day 34)

So I went against my own advice today ...packed up the baby and stroller and my 10 year old and went to the big damn bridge. At first it was to get some "air" cabin fever kicked in and bit postpartum blues of feeling confined. I thought a nice walk should help.

Half way up the bridge my body said "girllllll what were you thinking!?!" But the stubborn in my kept going. Once I made it to the other side I was praying a helicopter could magically appear to take me back to my car. Needless to say it was a lonnnng walk back over to the little rock side.

I say all this to say...don't rush back to action and don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe find a less aggressive pass time to pick up your mood than a major workout! Next time I opt for a trip to Barnes and least I won't be so sore after!

Still sleepy

His eyes tried to tell me not to walk that bridge ...I didn't listen lol

Proactiv for babies?

May 13 (Day 33)

My poor Cameron had a extreme break out on his face of baby acne better known as milia. It started out slightly mild then grew more sever over days. Most doctors and websites say ..don't worry it's normal and it will go away. I'm think I speak for most mothers when I say easier said than done.

I'm looking at his face after 2 weeks and it's gone from pimples to a scaly surface... Which makes me wonder if it's eczema. I would hate this for him so meta pray it's just acne healing up.

Please let me know if anyone has a old remedy for I am clueless in this area. I will say that I am also experiencing facial issues. Mild acne and a grey mask on my skin . I guess Cameron isn't the only one needing skin help!

Hopefully in a month we will not he be back to new and smooth skin!

Sleepy and bumpy

Just hanging bored with my sissy

Friday, May 9, 2014

Time Out

May 10 (Day 31)

I think every mom agrees that the first weeks after birth are the hardest! But it's even more difficult when you factor in baby blues and insensitive things people say.

Here's my do's and Don'ts for those who are around postpartum mothers. Moms feel free to comment what I missed...😍

Do ...compliment mom before shoving her aside to get to the baby

Do...get mom a present that she can use on herself that has nothing to so with the baby before popping by to visit as sleep time can be anytime to chat and check on her as baby blues can be a lonely time for any new mom not to mention confusing

Do...offer to come babysit so she can sleep or even get out for some air

Do... Offer to bring some meals

Do...offer Help with the other siblings if there are any

My all time favorite ....

DON'T ....mention that she still looks pregnant...she knows...she has mirrors at her house

Don't ...ask when she going to start working out ... Ever

Don't ...mention how messy the house is ...unless you're there to help clean

Don't ... Make her feel guilty for being so busy with the baby she's not there for you ... She feels guilty enough

DON'T... Ask when the next baby is coming

And finally be supportive and put yourself in her shoes ...the less stress the best and the more love the better

PS - Do...babysit and send pics to mom as she may have separation anxiety...thanks auntie Brandi

Thursday, May 8, 2014

One month down...11 to Go

May 9 (day 30)

We made it to 1 month!

And what a month it's been! I'm sleep deprived and tired but so in love with my bundle of joy Cameron!
Thank goodness for Big sis Alyse! She's been an awesome help!! Sleeping on his back is working well. I'm continuing to take my prenatal vitamins to ensure I'm getting all my Nutrients! However in just a few days my milk flow has slowed down so quickly here we go again.... So much for pump day!

My first instinct is to get back on my water regiment!! I've also gotten some lactation tea and some "fenugreek" which is a herbal supplement that helps assist in producing milk . I shall let you know how that goes! In m

My next post I want to talk about how the postpartum journey can go from good to bad in 60 seconds....Do's and Don'ts for everyone!

                                     My new best friend - The Medela Breast Pump