Thursday, April 24, 2014

Home Sweet Home

April 23 (day 15)

Well Cameron's 15 days old and we have been home for a week! It's been a whirlwind. Getting a feeding schedule into play and getting sleep in between is all I can do right now! Pumping milk like a diary factory and feeding is going well as planned!

Thankful for a helpful group of villagers that have visited, cooked, and called to make sure we are coming along fine! Love you all!!

We took our first outing last Saturday to get some natural sunlight ....doctors clear up the lingering yellowing from his bout with jaundice. It was great to be normal again for a few hours.

Postpartum is always an issue when you come home ..doing normal activities can definitely help things stay on track. I have a great support system around me to talk when I feel lonely or overwhelmed and an awesome baby that keeps me smiling!

If you're feeling any signs that seem abnormal please know there are support groups that can be there for you!

Pic of frozen milk supply

       Until Next time... As Cameron loves to show...Peace!

Monday, April 21, 2014


April 14 (day 6)

We are going home today!! We took pictures. Cameron got circumcised and I have plenty of milk to take home from the NICU.

The lesson here is that in every situation determination is key. I was determined to NOT give up on my hope to breast fees my son.

Staying calm and keeping the faith was key in winning the battle ..I'm so glad I didn't give up and get frustrated.

As we end our 6th day in the neonatal ICU we are thrilled to be bringing our son home today.

For other moms going through this and more, please lean on the hospital staff for support! They have awesome lactation nurses that called and visited me daily. I was able to use a pump they loaned during my stay in the hospital and upon leaving I rented a pump until I can get my own.

I felt supported in my desire to breast feed my son and that Helped me not give up! They provided every thing from bottles to labels and as mentioned a great breast pump.

Thanks for following me for the first week of my journey...more to come but for now ...

On my way home to enjoy my son!

Home Is Where Cameron Is

April 13 (day 5)

Today I could not wait to get back to the hospital I was the first mom to ring the bell after the staff change at 8am. I wanted to talk to the doctor and see how my baby was progressing.

As I walk in I see that all the tubes have been taken off Cameron except for his feeding tube. He is in a crib and out if the incubator. The jaundice has cleared up and the nurse says he was bottle fed the night before to test how he would transition and he did well.

This morning since I was there I am asked to breast feed him to see how he latches on to me...I am elated and screaming thank you Jesus on the inside!!! How amazing!

April 13 (day 5) cont'd

My breast feeding session went well and he not only latches but he fed for a good while. Feeding him directly also will help in getting the remaining yellowing in his skin and eyes cleared up.The doctor comes in and states he is doing well and if I want to spend the night to monitor him we can take him home the next day. I couldn't say YES any faster!

It's been a long week but hearing today that it was almost over was such a relief. I'm grateful my breast milk is flowing and I'm healing myself slowly but most importantly ...Cameron is coming HOME!

Tears for Cameron

April 12 (day 4)

Today I get released from the hospital and Cameron is still being treated in the NICU. And to add more stress he is also being treated for jaundice in an incubator.

This going to be the hardest day for me and probably the most emotional. One good thing is that my milk has fully come in, I am pumping 160ml per pumping session. and I have more than enough milk pumped to last for 3 days.

Prayers for my baby and my family as we prepare to leave him in the hands of the medical staff here. As tears roll down my face I have to go see him for the last time today before going home without him...

In My Arms At Last

April 11 (day 3)

Today during my visit to the NICU I finally got to hold Cameron!! It was a huge moment ...for any mom
Having a baby and you can't even touch or hold your child it's emotional and devastating!

The charge nurse told me to make sure we for some skin to skin contact to help enable my milk to come in and sure enough that was exactly what I needed!

The flow wasn't as heavy but at least I was getting 20-40 ml minimum to ensure he wasn't given formula as a supplement.

NICU Visit & Breastfeeding Problems

April 10th (day 2)

It's the first 24 hours after giving birth and today is the day that I need to get up and walk! As painful as it is I am motivated to see Cameron in the NICU so pain or no pain...I'm getting up!

First priority is getting my breast milk flowing and After meeting with the lactation nurse, close contact to my baby is key to getting the process started.

Cameron is so tiny, weighing only 6 pounds and 10 ounces he's a still a beautiful sight! This little man is fighting for his life and I'm determined to get him there with the help of my breast milk.

After my visit I'm equipped with a breast pump and began my pumping journey. Unfortunately it wasn't very successful. I barely was able to get 10ml my fears of not being able to feed him was becoming real.

Luckily the NICU wasn't concerned with feeding him until the following 24 hours. So I had a small window to make this happen.

Bumps in the Road

April 9th @ 8pm

What a day this has been... We all have the notion that when we make plans they will go accordingly ...well not today. I was wheeled into the operation room and everything was ok. Cameron was pulled out and I heard him crying and thought he's ok his lungs sound powerful!

Only for minutes later to hear a nurse tell me to say goodbye to my son as he was wheeled into the NICU.

That's the most frustrating feeling...while I'm being sewn up from a routine Csection and not knowing what's really happening with my baby!

Before being places in recovery I was able to stop by the NICU to see Cameron and talk to the doctor. Apparently he swallowed some amniotic fluid when he took his first breath and it got into his lungs. The doctor told my husband and I that it could take anywhere from 3-10 days to recover fully.

Needless to say ...the journey to get him home was going to be slightly bumpy.


Day of Birth

April 9th 4 AM (day 1)

Today's the day! As I get ready I decide to take a few pics of my's the last hours I will have this personal connection to my baby. There is no turning back and at 7:30 AM. I will be wheeled off to the operation room to have baby Cameron! Can't wait to meet him and show him off to the world!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Christmas Eve in April

April 8, 2014
11:56 PM

It's almost midnight on the eve of what's going to be my baby Cameron's birth date. I actually feeling anxious, scared and excited all at the same time.

It's funny you spend 40
Weeks creating and nurturing a child from the womb and then before you know it times up and you go directly into mother mode!

I can't wait to see his face, his smile and just hug , cuddle and kiss him. All the pain, discomfort and sickness is worth the very first moment when I get to see his little face.

Hopefully I will get some sleep but if not... next time we meet I will have a new addition to my life to chat about!

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