Thursday, July 31, 2014

Name Change

July 31 (Day 121)
Ok I usually don't put names out there when It comes to products but I'm slightly upset with my current Diaper brand Huggies! It's been 10 years so I really didn't remember which brands I used so I kept all the ones I was gifted at my baby shower...wrong move.

Between the heavy leakages and stained ruined clothing and upset baby ...I'm done! Writing them a letter as we speak. Change the name or change the product.

The worst incident was while traveling I had to double up on diapers until we landed because we had already changed full outfits 2 times ...once before even leaving the little rock airport! Going back to pampers and Luvs! The Target brand is meh...good for when you're just at home...

This is just my experience and opinion if these products work for you ..Carry on! If you're having similar issues please write letters..more voices more power!

Nations Capital

July 19 (Day 99)

So we are on the move for the months if June and July S well as August! It's family vacation time and it's hectic! First stop was Atlanta to host the baby bling bash expo ( an expo dedicated to new and expecting moms). Most of my vacations are tied in with work so the kids get to see what mom does when she's not home.

Next stop was D.C. For our family reunion. I have to say for a 3 month old Cameron is a great traveling companion! He's sleeps throughout  the flights an gives me no problems. This will be his 7th time flying since birth and he has it down like his big sis!

I always do a quick bathroom stop before heading to baggage claim. To me and my daughters surprise they had a nursing room in the women's restroom. It had a bench for feeding and a change table as well. I think ALL public places should have this! Kids and moms need that privacy sometimes to regroup and get settled.

In a time where finding even a change table is hard let alone a nursing room. Bravo to DCA for thinking of mothers! America we must do better.

Loved it so much I took pics for you guys 

With my grampa at the reunion

Growing ..Growing...Gone

July 9 (Day 89)

Cameron is 3 months old!! He got his's was a teary 5 minutes but he took it like a big boy and we kept moving.

I just imagine 3 month before he was in the NICU struggling to breathe. Thankful for my little bundle of joy! He's smiling, hands are mobile and trying to scoot. Before long he will be crawling and teething and growing up for now I'm enjoying his slow growth!

Giggles and Smiles

Such a great sleeper

With sissy in the airport clowning around

All dressed up of my aunties wedding